When your product is leaving your farm you’ll need to create a shipment. Think of this as the truck you’re putting product(s) into. Later you’ll add the items being shipped. This way you can have multiple shipments consisting of one or many products.
- Shipment Date/Time: This is the date/time the shipment will be departing. You can adjust this after the fact if needed.
- Origin: Select the origin of the product(s) being shipped.
- Destination Name: Enter the name of the person/business you’re shipping to. This information will show up on the shipping manifest generated by the system.
- Destination Address/City/State/Zip: Enter the physical address your product will be delivered to.
- Destination Contact: Enter the name of the person who is aware of this shipment on the receiving side.
- Destination Phone Number: Enter the number someone would need to call if there was an issue with the shipment.
- Shipment ID: Depending on how you are shipping the product(s) this may be provided for you or you may have to enter one yourself. This could be a FedEx/USPS/UPS tracking number, Container ID, Job ID, and more. If you’re not using a shipping method that has a number provided for you, enter something that will help you recall that shipment quickly and easily.
- Shipment Notes: Enter any information you may find relevant to this shipment. This could include the name of the driver, additional shipping information, comments about loading/unloading, and more.
- Shipment Image (optional): Depending on how you’re shipping your product(s) you may want to include a photo. This could be a photo of the truck/trailer, shipping manifest provided by the shipper, drivers license of the driver, and so on.
- Open Shipment: This should remain checked until after your shipment has arrived. By leaving it open you can add additional items to the shipment being sent out.
- Save: Always hit save before you navigate away from this screen.